This means that the upload bandwidth cost for a WebRTC call is higher than other VOIP options in anything more than a two person call. With 'Peer-to-Peer', you are sending your video/voice data again to each peer connection in the call. With an 'All-to-One-to-All' connection, applications like Skype send your video/voice data one time to their server which then carries that load of data to each of the other people in the call. Those applications use a Client/Server or All-to-One-to-All connection rather than a Peer-to-Peer connection. Applications like Skype or Discord aren't browser-based and therefore have access to hardware acceleration and data compression that Roll20 cannot take advantage of. WebRTC is a HTML5 technology that runs video and voice through a web browser without the need of a java applet. How is WebRTC different from Discord, Google Hangouts, Skype, etc?
1 How is WebRTC different from Discord, Google Hangouts, Skype, etc?.